Saturday, September 17, 2011

September 11th Lies

Were the planes crashing into the World Trade Center actually computer animated? Were those really American Airlines Jets or military craft? How did the planes hit the exact spots in order to have both Towers collapse?

These are just a few of the thousands of questions that arose after the tragedy of September 11th. I for one, am deeply horrified at the fact that I sometimes truly believe that our Government has more involvement than they lead us to believe.

I ask, why are we constantly being showed footage of the tragedies of 9/11 but cannot see the video of Osama Bin Laden being killed by Seal Team 6?

I ask, why were we so quick to give Sadam Hussein back to "his people" so they can decide his fate? Why are we able to see this video?

Please take a look at the following videos and let me know what you think? I do want to make clear that I am deeply sorry for anyone who has lost loved ones in these tragic events and I am in no way attempting to anger anyone. Any loss is horrible whether it be caused by our Government or not.

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